1 ICAC 香港廉政公署仅对特首负责的独立政府部门
百里渠爵士在香港腐败案的调查报告中指出:「有识之士一般认为除非反贪污部能脱离警方独立,否则大众永不会相信政府确实有心扑灭贪污。」 当时的港督麦理浩迅速接纳了百里渠报告书的建议,他同样认为“有需要成立一个崭新的机构,由德高望重的人员领导,以全力打击贪污,并且挽回公众的信心。 公众对一个与任何政府部门,包括警务处,毫无联系而完全独立的组织明显较具信心。”
2 克格勃关于情报机关的反腐职能
克格勃在苏联最后的岁月还充当信访功能, KGB曾经有过这样成功的业务逻辑:KGB在为人民服务的过程中发现,很多人反政府,是因为政府不解决群众问题。我们主业是维护国家安全,我们解决了群众问题,不就连反政府问题也解决了吗? 通过接待群众,克格勃发现98%的反政府行为是因为群众有冤情在先,通过平反冤假错案和打击贪官污吏,苏联80年代一度平息了反政府浪潮。
3 监察委纪委、监察局、反贪局…… 甚至中共中央党校政法教研部教授、反腐学者林喆的办公室。
4 独立调查委员会美国新闻媒体舆论监督在遏制腐败中发挥主要作用。 主导机构为司法部或者独立的调查委员会。
South African State Capture 南非前总统Zuma腐败案
Former president Jacob Zuma collaborated with a wealthy family called Gupta to put their own loyalists into political positions. To the extent that the damage and collusion is still being investigated to this day.
0.1 NOTIBLE INCIDENTS• The backroom deals that led to the purchasing of trains from the South Chinese Rail Company (中国南车) amounting to 6 billion USD. • Handing of state owned mines to members of Gupta family at dirt cheap prices • Help to expand Gupta family’s influence in a state owned company——Eskom, which is South Afica’s mainly electricity producer.
CCP's penalties for intra-party corruption are getting softer.
CCP’s penalties for intra-party corruption are getting softer.
Since 2010s, Chinese Communist Party’s Disciplinary Committee has made a great innovation - to reduce application of the criminalization of corrupt burocracts, and replace it with party discipline punishment, to emphasize the transformation and the reuse of bureaucracts. The maximum amnesties for bureaucrats’ corruption can involve up to 30,000 yuan which is around 5000 euros. That’s to say, corruption under 5,000 euros in China only exposes corrupt officials to party discipline such as suspension of promotions or office, which is in sharp contrast to the Mao era’s zero tolerance for corruption within the party.